November 18, 2011 | Blog
Posts By: caitlin
Blast from the Vampiric Past
In honor of the release of Breaking Dawn, here is an essay I wrote this past spring on sex and death in Twilight. HERE It’s fun- if you like teenage mortality driven…
November 18, 2011 | Blog
Bountiful gifts upon us this day!
The glamorous Nephele, administrator at, sent the Order a fantastic email giving the our members darque anagrammed names. I really couldn’t share them with you fast enough- my heart being unable…
November 16, 2011 | Blog
Natural Burial
Please meander over to the Mission section of the website if you have some time. NATURAL BURIAL & EMBRACING DECAY Part of the Order’s mission is to have you accept your eventual…
November 15, 2011 | Blog
For Our Friends, the Roadside Foxes
This is a poem from my new friend Bethany Pope, with whom I’ve been emailing back and forth on such topics as “bleach blonde stasis” and “giving birth to death.” Let’s just…
November 14, 2011 | Blog
Ask a Mortician on the News
I was on Right This Minute news this morning for Ask a Mortician. Oh look, little me! They were all very nice and asked great, respectful questions. Man, people are way better…
November 14, 2011 | Blog
This is Janelle.
I want you all to meet Janelle Atkinson. Isn’t she perfectly beautiful? Janelle and I went to Mortuary School together. We started the program together, suffered through all the same ridiculous classes,…
November 13, 2011 | Blog
The Regional Decay of Rebecca Lyon
Rebecca Lyon is a projectionist, film connoisseur, and photographer from Chicago. I also knew her in college. We weren’t especially close, with the exception of that fateful weekend we spent together at…
November 10, 2011 | Blog
Episode 2, Deathlings!
Lookie here, folks! I tried to take into account peoples’ suggestions that I have more information and less “wwoooo! death flash fun tymez!” But of course we can’t take ALL that out,…
November 9, 2011 | Blog
Ask a Mortician Ep 2

In which we discuss the art of processing cremated remains, “natural causes,” and what I myself would do with my mortal shell. Please keep sending your questions, they are fascinating and strange…
November 8, 2011 | Videos
Autumn for Fetishists
Even though I grew up in Hawai’i, where not a damn thing ever changes, I’m a bit of a fetishist for Autumn. Autumn is, of course, THE premier metaphor for the beautiful,…
November 7, 2011 | Blog
Happy 7 Billion!
This is a fantastic video made by National Public Radio about our world’s recent crossover into 7 billion people. If you like Ask a Mortician, you’ll like the clear, concise way this…
November 6, 2011 | Blog