Join us on September 18th & 19th, for our second annual Mortals’ Market, a virtual marketplace that celebrates the diversity, artistry, and spirit of the death positive movement. Presented by the Order of the Good Death and created by hosts Meagan Meli and Louise Hung, the Mortals’ Market brings together a carefully curated group of artists whose creativity, activism, and vision enrich the conversations around death. We are now accepting vendor applications, apply here.
Death Salon is the event series of The Order. There is no Death Salon scheduled for 2021 as we are working on creating a new model that will be accessible to more people.
Hostile Terrain, a global exhibit about America’s Humanitarian Crisis at the Southern Border. Various dates and locations around the U.S. including virtual events.
A Body In A Cemetery, is a place-inspired performance conceived by internationally-acclaimed artist Eiko Otake. Recorded Event.
Grief and Grievance: Art and Mourning In America, in this exhibit artists explore the concept of mourning, commemoration, and loss as a direct response to the national emergency of racist violence experienced by Black communities across America. In New York, through June 2021.
Deadbird is a grief space that serves as a balm to reimagine end-of-life care. Virtual, and various dates across U.S. cities.
Praising and Raising the Dead: Life, Death and Rebirth in Africana Religions, April 22nd-25th, Virtual Conference.
delejos (from afar), in this one woman show created for Zoom, Julie Piñero explores the sudden loss and grief following the death of her partner, in this true story.
Reflections on Grief and Child Loss, at Lincoln’s Cottage Museum looks at child loss through the Lincolns and examines how that loss and grief is experienced across time. Washington D.C., through 2023.
Decolonizing Death Studies, in this talk Dr. Kami Fletcher, will focus on how systems of power and privilege were passed through deathways. May 6th, Virtual.
Fragmented Body Perceptions As Higher Vibration Frequencies to God, is an art installation by Precious Okoyomon who created an ecosystem that seeks to hold grief. Visitors are invited to sit or stand or lay down in the uncomfortable space of mourning that we so often avoid. Through May 9th, in NY.
Covid 19 – death and intellectual disability – in this virtual event Professor Stuart Todd will talk about the health and care of those with intellectual disabilities during the Covid 19 pandemic. May 11th, Virtual.
The Nest, is an immersive theatre experience – think video game + escape room, where you gain access to the storage unit owned by a woman who recently died. In Los Angeles, starting May 13th.
New Black City is an outdoor exhibition featuring art and performances curated by Black Lives Matter Los Angeles and the Museum of Social Justice. Opens May 13th, in Los Angeles.
Theodore Gericault, The Raft of the Medusa, and His Anatomical Still Lifes of Dissected Bodies medical illustrator Marie Dauenheimer, will explore the history of the painting, with a special emphasis on the artist’s many preparatory drawings and paintings created from cadavers in morgues. May 17th, virtual.
Human Composting: An Ecological Death Care Option, May 2oth, virtual.
Real and Fictionalized Horrors Of Anthropodermic Bibliopegy with Megan Rosenbloom who will discuss both fictional and real cases of human skin books. May 2oth, virtual.
The Collective For Radical Death Studies has a number of virtual events recorded and available to view on their website here.
A Prayer for the Runner: A Live Performance by Patrisse Cullors hosted by Fowlers Museum at UCLA. Recorded event.
Stories in the Stones: How to Read a Gravestone, n this four-part seminar, you will learn how to decode the stories in gravestones and deepen your understanding of America’s cemeteries. June, Virtual.
Remembrance as Resistance: Preserving Black Narratives, honoring the unmarked graves in Oakland’s historic African American Burial Grounds. June 19th – July 11th, in Atlanta.
Veneration of the Dead, a food and film gathering highlighting Asian cultural expressions around death. July 24th, Los Angeles. See flyer below for details.


Queer Cultural Center’s A History of Violence Exhibit explores of the social and political context of violence against and within queer communities, opens June 7th, in San Francisco, CA.
Ebony G. Patterson‘s exhibit, they were… examines the underlying issues of violence and visibility. On view through April 1st, in Normal, IL.
Queer Death Studies Workshop will focus on Death and Dying in a Queer Context for their third year. May 30th and 31st in Sweden.
Nora Menkin will be performing at She is FIERCE: stories from the genderqueer and female perspective, CRIMINAL edition, on April 6th & 7th, in Seattle, WA.
Angela Hennessy’s Where and When I Enter features woven, crocheted and braided synthetic and human hair sculptures that boldly reclaim delicate Victorian-era crafts of mourning ritual, layered with signifiers of race, femininity and sensuality. Through December 2nd, San Francisco, CA.
Artist Lisa Nilsson will discuss her practice in creating paper quilled work for Connective Tissue on December 12th, in Philadelphia.
Woven Strands: The Art of Human Hairwork, a new exhibit will open at the Mutter Museum on January 18th, in Philadelphia.
The Afterlife of Pets will take place in a pet aquamation facility where visitors will learn about an alternative and earth-friendly form of disposition. February 3, Seattle, WA.
Still…Till – Why Then? What Now? A series of events examining the death of Emmett Till, and the circumstances like community and systemic racism, that contributed to his murder. In Chicago, IL, every Tuesday in February.
A Wake For Jeremy Bentham (yes, that Jeremy Bentham and his head). Gather to discuss the role of death and grief in society, in London, on February 15th.
Black in Brooklyn is a tour celebrating the unique stories of Black lives in Green-Wood Cemetery. In Brooklyn, NY on February 17th.