Monthly Archives: February 2013

The Tweet Hereafter

The Tweet Hereafter is a new website with a very simple concept, posting the final tweets of well known people. The founder was interviewed by our friend Jian Ghomeshi (I was on… 

February 26, 2013 | Blog

The Sights & Smells of Funeral Home Design

Order member Barbara Chung recently completed her design thesis on the architecture of funeral homes and the sensory experience. For Chung, the design and architecture of a place of death is not… 

February 19, 2013 | Blog

Traffic Accident Photos From 1951 Are Art

Growing up in the 1990s, with the Internet floating into my home through the dial-up tubes starting in 10th grade, my only exposure to fatal car accidents was the hyper gruesome pictures… 

February 15, 2013 | Blog

This is Michelle Amber Johnson.

Jennifer Park-Mustacchio is a funeral director and embalmer in New Jersey.  She has written for the Order in the past about her first Buddhist funeral service. Here she writes about a recent… 

February 5, 2013 | Blog