The glamorous Nephele, administrator at, sent the Order a fantastic email giving the our members darque anagrammed names.
I really couldn’t share them with you fast enough- my heart being unable to bear the joy this brings me.

Caitlin Doughty= Lady Nuit Gothic
Nuit: name of an Egyptian/Thelemic goddess. Also French for “night.”
Stephanie Cheng Smith=
Stephina the Scheming or Stephenie Nightchasm
Angeline Gragasin=
Sergiana Naegling or Gerigianna LeSang
Naegling: the name of a sword used by Beowulf to defeat the monster Grendel.
LeSang: French for “The Blood.”
Alex Frankel = Kelan X. Feral or Allan X. Freek
Sarah Fornace = Shafara Necro
Shafara: a name derived from Hebrew, meaning “beautiful.”
Necro: a Greek prefix meaning “death.”
Sheera Talpaz = Hespera Zlata
Hespera: name of Greek origin, meaning “evening.”
Zlata: name of Slavic origin, meaning “golden.”
Will Coleman White = Alimiel Owle Witchman
Alimiel: an angel who is one of the seven guards of the curtain or veil of the Seventh Heaven, in midrashic literature.
Owle: “owl.” Although modern society views the owl as a symbol of wisdom (as did the ancient Greeks), the ancient Romans viewed the owl as a bird of ill-omen, funerals, and night terrors.
Shannon Cwikla = Ninnoshka Claw
Ninnoshka: a Slavic affectionate form of “Ann.”
Carl Sondrol = Dracos Llorn
Dracos: Greek, “dragon.”
Justin Nobel = Jenison Blut
Blut: German for “blood.”
Seth Samuel Nemec = Necessum the Mael
Necessum: Latin, meaning “necessary; imperative; inevitable.” Like Death itself.
Mael: Welsh, meaning “prince.”
Mara Zehler = Azrela Herm
Azrela: feminine name derived from Azrael, the name of the Archangel of Death.
David Forrest = Irv Deadfrost

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