The Meow once again outshines us all with her death moxie.
April 7, 2013 | Videos
The Meow once again outshines us all with her death moxie.
April 7, 2013 | Videos
Death Club for Hipsters Wants to Change the Way You See Dying Image: Keturah Stickann Caitlin Doughty wants you to think differently about death. For example, consider how Americans used to deal…
April 7, 2013 | Press
Decomposure By Michael Washburn, AM’02 | University of Chicago Magazine — Mar–Apr/13 Mortician, medievalist, and video sage Caitlin Doughty tries to change the way Americans think about death. Located on Santa Monica Boulevard…
April 7, 2013 | Press
Dying To Go Retro? This Modern-Day Morticia Gives Death A Makeover By Hunter Oatman-Stanford — March 18th, 2013 Caitlin Doughty gushes about death like it’s her high-school crush. “I don’t just pretend to…
April 7, 2013 | Press
I was in Washington DC this past week for a wedding. The wedding of Order member Will Slocombe, in fact. Mazel tov, young man! I haven’t visited our nation’s capital since I…
April 3, 2013 | Blog
I was recently featured in the University of Chicago Magazine. This was a huge honor for me and thrilled my mother to no end, especially since she was fairly sure my medieval…
April 1, 2013 | Blog
Today in things that make my brains slowly leak out my ears, I present: The citizens of Long Beach. This is Jonathan Polk. Jonathan is a business man attempting to open a…
March 25, 2013 | Blog
The members of the Order of the Good Death are all magical fairies, spreading sparkling death acceptance dust o’er the children’s eyes at night. Reading that sentence back I realize I’m making…
March 6, 2013 | Blog
The Tweet Hereafter is a new website with a very simple concept, posting the final tweets of well known people. The founder was interviewed by our friend Jian Ghomeshi (I was on…
February 26, 2013 | Blog
Because I do so loathe euphemisms and silly death-denying language, I love this piece by the lovely Jen Aitken about the necessity of doing better with your obituary writing. More of her…
February 21, 2013 | Blog
Order member Barbara Chung recently completed her design thesis on the architecture of funeral homes and the sensory experience. For Chung, the design and architecture of a place of death is not…
February 19, 2013 | Blog
Growing up in the 1990s, with the Internet floating into my home through the dial-up tubes starting in 10th grade, my only exposure to fatal car accidents was the hyper gruesome pictures…
February 15, 2013 | Blog