December 20, 2013 | Videos
December 20, 2013 | Videos
Grave Danger: The Emergence of the Sustainable Death Movement An exclusive from GOOD Magazine, published in the Winter 2013: Human Possibility Issue. Just past the perimeter of Joshua Tree Memorial Park’s manicured…
December 14, 2013 | Press
When cemetery maven Loren Rhoads asked me what my favorite cemetery was, I had to take a moment, because that’s some Sophie’s Choice s*%t right there. How does a mother chose between…
December 5, 2013 | Morbid Travel
My roommate is the best, guys. Not only is she a sex therapist, meaning we live in Ye Ol’ Haus of Eros & Thanatos, she also gives a good gift. This Yule-season,…
November 27, 2013 | Blog
Meet my friend Zoe Feldman. When Zoe was 27 years old, the woman who had been everything from a significant other, to romantic partner, to friend, died unexpectedly in her sleep. In…
November 22, 2013 | Blog
November 21, 2013 | Videos
November 21, 2013 | Videos
Marc Sacks is a biomedical engineer in South Africa. His first piece for the Order is about meeting a room of 80 medical school cadavers.
October 28, 2013 | Blog
Claire has a terminal illness. Today she wrote me an email to say she finds the tone of the Order of the Good Death offensive, because she herself does not find anything…
October 28, 2013 | Blog
For the past four months, 59 Chicago-area funeral directors and drivers have been locked out of their funeral homes by the corporation that owns them, Texas-based Service Corporation International, or SCI. You…
October 23, 2013 | Blog
It’s hard to remember what real human bodies look like anymore. Dodai Stewart at Jezebel has a great piece on how boring the bodies of female pop stars are: “Call it Naked…
October 22, 2013 | Blog
Jen Aitken is the genius behind the straight-talkin’ obituary website Last Words Obits. We like her style so much here at the Order that this is her second appearance. Check out her first…
October 14, 2013 | Blog