Monthly Archives: September 2011

From “Leningrad: The Epic Siege of World War II”, by Anna Reid

The point at which an entire family was doomed was when its last mobile member became too weak to queue for rations.  Heads of households — usually mothers — were thus faced with a heartbreaking dilemma: whether to eat more food themselves, so as to stay on their feet, or whether to give more to the family’s sickest member — usually a grandparent or child — and risk the lives of all.  For this reason… The Russian language makes the morally vital distinction between trupoyedstvo — ‘corpse-eating’ — and lyudoyedstvo — ‘person-eating’, or murder for cannibalism. 

September 6, 2011 | Blog

Gifs from Doctors

I received two animated .gifs in my email this week from two dear friends who happen to be doctors.  Is there a something to this?  Perhaps doctors, due to their extensive schooling, are at a higher level of internet technology.  Hence the .gifs, no... 

September 5, 2011 | Blog