The title of this blog is a reference to the 1982 Burt Reynolds & Dolly Parton movie The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas. I won’t get into the plot , since it has nothing to do with this post, but needless to say, WORTH THE WATCH.
The collection of Richard Harris, super daper gentlemen death collector, will be on display at the Wellcome Trust in London until February 24, 2013. Harris collects everything from the medieval to the modern, including things I had only ever seen in books– Albrecht Dürer woodcuts I’m looking at you. I saw the exhibit in Chicago and it is diverse and rich and (much like the film Best Little Whorehouse in Texas) totally worth it.
See the fantastic video about the collection from the BBC here

Me & Richard Harris, who I secretly hope will adopt me. Guess it’s not a secret anymore.

Utrecht Vanitas Still Life, 1643

Ivo Saliger The Doctor 1921

Memento Mori – Unknown [German] Early 17th century, Fruitwood

Tchelitcheu Living Shell 1944