As I announced last month, I am writing a book. But, as it turns out, when you sign up to write a book, they make you actually write it. Curses, publisher!
I’m very lucky to be able to take some time away from Los Angeles to focus on writing. I’m also very lucky to have snagged this wee writers cabin on the Big Island of Hawaii. It’s totally not the den of sin & iniquity you might assume. It’s about a 15-minute walk to the nearest town, and there’s even a tiny cemetery down the road (always a positive omen, methinks).
I’ll be in Hawaii for almost a month, which I haven’t done since my first summer home from college in 2003. But, I won’t be entirely off the grid. I recorded an Ask A Mortician right before I left — releasing tomorrow! — and I even get Internet at the cabin when I wave my laptop around the tree and chant a brief incantation.