I announced this morning that there have been seven new members added to the Order of the Good Death.
Visit them here on the Order Member Page
Lindsey Fitzharris, Megan Rosenbloom, Jeff Jorgenson, Bess Lovejoy, Barbara Chung, John Troyer, and Cassandra Yonder are all hardworking death folk. They make a career out of creating exciting innovations in how we look at and deal with death. They are also tremendously helpful to me in my own work.
However, in the almost two years that the Order has been an official entity, I have had the chance to meet, collaborate with, and learn from an obscene (yes, I said obscene) number of amazing people who want to change how we do death in the Western world.

The brilliant Jae-Rhim Lee
I also want to have a place where people who are not official members (and thus not beholden to my capricious, cruel whims) can still be showcased and acknowledged. Thus, Order Affiliates!
This will be a place where people interested in the future of death — academics, funeral professionals, writers, and artists — can publicly state that they are committed to working toward a more realistic interaction with death.
Many of you will be hearing from me — cue ominous music — over the next few months. But if you’re interested, please send your website and a succinct sentence-long description of your work/affiliation to [email protected].
Vive la revolucion!