
Enon Chapel: London’s Victorian Golgotha

Order member Carla Valentine (yes, her real name) is Technical Curator of Barts Pathology Museum in London, responsible for the conservation of 5000 human anatomical specimens.  She blogs the nefarious connections between sex and death at The Chick and the Dead. 

June 30, 2014 | Blog

At Last! Your Death Acceptance Reading List

Bless their morbid souls, Order members Bess Lovejoy (author of Rest in Pieces: The Curious Fates of Famous Corpses) and Megan Rosenbloom (co-founder of Death Salon) put together a list of deathy books for all manner of death interests. By no means does it include all the glorious options, but I’ve read most of these and fully approve.  Accept no substitutes! 

June 18, 2014 | Blog

The (Not Really So Very) Incorrupt Corpses

Roving relic hunter (and brand new Order member!) Elizabeth Harper is back to set us straight on the allegedly non-composing wunderkinds of Roman Catholicism- the incorrupt corpses.  See more from her recent adventures in Rome and Mexico City on All the Saints You Should Know. 

June 5, 2014 | Blog

Real American Death Hero: Tyrone Muhammad

Real American Death Heroes is an interview series by Order member Sarah Wambold, focusing on people making compelling commentary on the death space in America. Read the other pieces in the series here and here. 

June 2, 2014 | Blog

Consider the Putridarium

Sant’Andrea delle Frate is one of those jaw-dropping 17th century basilicas in Rome. It has angels by Bernini, a campanile by Borromini, and a room full of corpse toilets in the crypt. 

April 17, 2014 | Blog

Real American Death Hero: Brent Hendricks

Real American Death Heroes is an interview series by Order member Sarah Wambold, focusing on people making compelling commentary on the death space in America. Read the first piece in the series here. 

April 9, 2014 | Blog

Dr. Tanzler, You Undeniable Weirdo

I am love’s tragic hypocrite. I say that there is nothing more beautiful or natural than the alchemy of a decomposing body.  Ask me and I will tell you: “if you truly… 

March 18, 2014 | Blog

Accept Death by thinking about (Literal) Shit.

Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek has a theory: the structure of a country’s toilets reflects something about the ideology of that nation.  In France, the hole is located in the back of the… 

March 7, 2014 | Blog