The idea of royalty sharing their beds with the shrivelled corpse of a man yanked out of a grave is nothing short of shocking, but it wouldn’t have been an unusual sight in the court of the Spanish Habsburgs.
April 18, 2019 | Blog
The idea of royalty sharing their beds with the shrivelled corpse of a man yanked out of a grave is nothing short of shocking, but it wouldn’t have been an unusual sight in the court of the Spanish Habsburgs.
April 18, 2019 | Blog
April 7, 2019 | Videos
These students were brave. The assignments were weird. What happened when author and teacher David Sherman created a class for his students to reinvent their relationship to the dead?
March 26, 2019 | Blog
March 24, 2019 | Videos
Dressed all in black, from his dark knee-breeches and long cloak to a three-cornered hat adorned with black crepe streamers, the aanspreker carried one message: someone was dead.
March 19, 2019 | Blog
March 4, 2019 | Videos
The National Memorial for Peace and Justice was created to be a dynamic response to reconciliation in the United States. The memorial allows for dialogue, creating a space for conversation regarding the violence done to Black Americans as a vital way to reckon with our past, present, and future.
February 27, 2019 | Blog
February 21, 2019 | Videos
February 21, 2019 | Videos
Three years ago artist AJ Hawkins set out to create The Reclamation, a stunning series on the stages of decomposition. Here’s a behind the scenes look at her three year journey creating the series, opening a business, and her advice to others considering their own death positive initiatives.
February 12, 2019 | Blog
February 5, 2019 | Videos
December 28, 2018 | Videos