Yearly Archives: 2017

Alkaline Hydrolysis – Seattle Style

Jeff Jorgenson, green funeral director and innovator, tells us about the water cremation revolution a’foot in Seattle.  Or should I say, a’paw?  (It’s for pets.) 

January 18, 2017 | Blog

Dying Trans: Preserving Identity in Death

Trans folk may settle into loving communities of friends and partners that are not their blood relatives. What they may be unaware of is that upon their death, all power over their body is turned over to their legal next of kin, possibly an unsympathetic parent or sibling. Tragedies of misgendering can occur postmortem, compounding the tragedy of the death. Christine Colby explores what the trans community can do to protect themselves at death. 

January 10, 2017 | Blog

Death and STUFF

“To accumulate is to live as if you’re not going to die.” Guest author Robert Wringham shoves you kicking and screaming into the new year by examining the relationship between minimalism and death positivity. 

January 3, 2017 | Blog