September 21, 2015 | Videos
September 21, 2015 | Videos
Welcome to our calendar of events for Fall 2015, featuring the best death positive events around the globe!
September 4, 2015 | Blog
August 31, 2015 | Videos
Order member Nora Menkin, Managing Funeral Director of the Co-Op Funeral Home of People’s Memorial answers the frequently asked question – can you have a home funeral and donate your organs?
August 31, 2015 | Blog
The End of Life Option Act (ABX2-15) would allow terminally ill Californians to request medication to peacefully end their lives and free them from suffering. There are people right now, terminally ill, who cannot wait for this legislative process to drag on. Be a part of this historic moment.
August 18, 2015 | Blog
July 30, 2015 | Videos
July 19, 2015 | Videos
June 23, 2015 | Videos
Welcome to our new, monthly feature, Deathxpert Opinion, where members of the Order will be answering your questions on death logistics, death history, and death culture. First up is our Seattle-based green funeral home owner Jeff Jorgenson on how bodies get around.
June 16, 2015 | Deathxpert Opinion
June 9, 2015 | Videos
It is impossible to think of a time when photos of war and destruction weren’t plastered on the front page of newspapers. Order member Kelly Christian explores just such a time, and how the Civil War and technology came together to change our relationship to the visuals of death.
May 20, 2015 | Blog
May 12, 2015 | Videos