Yearly Archives: 2012

From Witch to Kitsch

Looking through one of my old notebooks from 2007 I found an entry called “FROM WITCH TO KITSCH.” It was trying to explain the timeline of when a horrific instance of mass… 

April 15, 2012 | Blog

Boxes of Death: Coffin Art

Boxes of Death is an exhibition put on by Electric Coffin. 50 different artists create 50 unique art coffins that travel as a show to Seattle, Portland, and LA.  I went to… 

April 13, 2012 | Blog

Decomposing Food Art of Klaus Pichler

Austrian photographer Klaus Pichler, whom I first saw when he released a photoseries on dust (and the problems of an overly sterile society), has photographed rotting food for his series “One Third.”… 

April 8, 2012 | Blog

Growing Up In A Funeral Home

Celeste Donohue is a comedian and writer who contacted me because she also happens to have grown up in a funeral home in Philadelphia. As you can imagine, she has lots to… 

April 1, 2012 | Blog

Mortuary Services for Nuclear Disaster, 1956

O manual of our impending doom, teach us your secrets. These snippets are from Mortuary Services in Civil Defense from 1956. In this helpful little pamphlet you learn how to round up… 

March 30, 2012 | Blog

Of Corpses and Museums

My dear friend Andrew, who is currently living in Jamaica (not relevant, just awesome) sent me a book called Human Remains and Museum Practice. It’s basically like The Hunger Games — except… 

March 28, 2012 | Blog

Bust Magazine

Caitlin Doughty’s “Ask a Mortician” Videos Bring the Darkest Corners of Death to Light   L.A.-based mortician Caitlin Doughty has always been fascinated with death. Right out of college, she explored this… 

March 23, 2012 | Press

The Compost Burial of Lil’ BunBun

Order member Shannon sent these photos from her father’s compost pile in Texas, where a bunny crawled in to die. I don’t like… KNOW this bunny or anything (and it’s dead now… 

March 19, 2012 | Blog


Bethany Pope wrote this poem, in her own words, “after far too many back issues of ‘The Lancet’ and yellowed journal entries about clouds of killer sparrows.” Accompanied here by the work… 

March 14, 2012 | Blog

Sunday Afternoon Tea Party & Death Fears

Oh hello there.  Welcome to my home.  I hope you’re hungry, my dears. First let me offer you some tea. Do you take sugar in your tea? How about a cookie? Now… 

March 11, 2012 | Blog

Ask a Mortician Episode 6

Apologies for the Ask a Mortician absence in the month of February. In my defense, February is a strange little month with little to recommend it. This episode is about my favorite… 

March 8, 2012 | Blog

To take a lunch with the dead

Lunching in cemeteries was not always the cringe-inducing activity it is today. The Victorians loved a good shady spot under a tree to enjoy the more park-like cemeteries that developed in America… 

March 7, 2012 | Blog