A Repository for Remains of the Dead

I was entirely unaware of mostly all of this.  But it’s fascinating.

From last week’s New York Times.

For nearly a decade, a large white tent has stood on Manhattan’s East Side, out of urban context and hard against the sooty Franklin D. Roosevelt Drive. A gauzy drapery divides the tent space: on one side, a quiet makeshift chapel; on the other, three walk-in storage units containing nearly 14,000 human remains from the World Trade Center catastrophe, air-dried and vacuum-sealed.

Several rounds of DNA-based tests have failed to identify about 9,000 of the remains. The rest have been identified but not claimed, for all sorts of reasons; for example, some families have already buried parts of their loved ones, and cannot bear to do it again, and again.

Also, this:

Of the 2,753 victims who died in New York, 1,121 have yet to have their remains identified.

And also, this:

In the beginning, visitors came daily to the chapel, making appointments to sit in reflection, write notes in a ledger or leave a memento or two. Now, says Benjamin J. Figura, the medical examiner’s director of identification, “we average one or two people a month.”

Oh and then turns out there’s a douchebag element to this:

And in the fall of 2009, a trespassing, drunken lawyer with Ivy League credentials set a fire in the chapel that damaged the roof and destroyed photographs, floral arrangements and toy animals stuffed with meaning.

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