If you’re looking to spread mortality awareness through your apparel, look no further.
Your first option is from a Buddhist website, hoping you’ll look toward your impermanence as a living creature. What is now (living body) shall not be forever.
As one commenter pointed out, the sexy poses of the two models are a little strange. And the visible bruising on the woman’s arm may send the wrong message on exactly what type of corpse we’re talking about here. But A+ for a blunt assessment of the situation.
Your second option is a little more fun-loving, calling to mind the Girl/Boy Scout troops of your youth. It has a 1950s aesthetic that says “I go bravely to my eventual demise!”
The only issue is that you can’t have them made with wee pictures of yourself.
The last one SEEMS a little silly… made of meat, indeed!
However, when you consider it in the framework of intellectual Ernest Becker, who tells us that humanity’s greatest denial is that we are actually just slabs of meat, no different than any other animal, doomed to eventually rot and die — well, then the happy-go-lucky slice of meat takes on new meaning!