1) Being featured on German blogs fills me with intense waves of joy. This is the fourth or fifth one I’ve found so far. Of course I Google translate them like, immediately. I think they’re positive? I don’t totally know for sure because Google translate is a hot wonderful mess.
“Clinical mosque Ole! I can not get past it, you imagine Caitlin Doughty, an Undertaker with a passion. This approach to the subject of death is one or the other perhaps too American, it does not harm a look at this entertaining examination of risking it. Did you know that the bones of a burned body in a bone mill to be ground? “

2) Look, it’s Ask a Mortician spelled out with Llamas. Episode 3 coming early next week! There will be new elements. The new elements aren’t actually llamas. Sorry.

3) Look, it’s an American Girl catalog defaced to make every option a little Caitlin. Throw some black bangs on any American Girl doll and a teeny mortician emerges.
Shannon Cwikla is a member of the Order and an artist. I think taking a Sharpie to a catalog absolutely counts as ART don’t you?

4) I finally broke down and got a Twitter. I resisted for awhile, but now that it’s all decorated and I realize that I can finally tweet statuses that fall under #shit old men say when I deliver their wives’ urns, I’m actually pretty happy about it.
Perhaps I will start answering questions on the Twitter as well. Although my geek out answers would be WAY longer than 140 characters.