University of Indiana’s conference Death, Dying, and the Undead:
(Re)Conceptualizing Death and Religion, Keynote Speaker, on April 8th.
Let’s Talk About Death & Dying on May 15th a the Central Library in Sacramento

Save the Date! Our next Death Salon will take place in Houston on September 17, 2016 in partnership with the Aurora Picture Show! This will be our very first Death Salon Film Festival – submissions are currently open. Please visit the Death Salon website for details and be sure to sign up for the mailing list.

Dr. John Troyer will be speaking about Spectacular Dead Taxidermy, on March 3rd, at the Bristol Museum. Dr. Troyer will also be speaking at Encountering Corpses II on March 19th in Manchester, UK. On March 11th, he will be in the U.S. at SxSW to present Everybody Dies — What Is Your Digital Legacy?
Katrina Spade will be a speaker at Life After Death: TEXxOrcas Island, on March 5th, Orcas Island, WA. Katrina will also e speaking at Nature Does Death Better, on March 12th in Kamloops, BC.
Carla Valentine will be speaking at Encountering Corpses II on March 19th in Manchester, UK.
Rachel James’ latest project, Posey Filled Pockets is hosting a variety of monthly events in Grass Valley, CA. First up, A Lovely Corpse. Dates and details right here.
Dr. Paul Koundounaris will be in Philadelphia to give two lectures on May 18th & 19th. He will also be in Brooklyn on May 16th with a lecture on psychic dogs.
Annabel de Vetten will be hosting a Death Disco! on May 14th in Birmingham, UK.
Dr. Judy Melinek will be doing a lecture for Sisters in Crime – Working Stiff: The Real CSI – Get Your Murder Scene Right on May 21st in San Diego, CA.
The following institutions are run by members of the Order and offer a full calendar year of death positive events that are open to the public.
The Body Appropriate, located in San Francisco, is run by Order Member Stephanie Stewart-Bailey. The Body Appropriate often features Sound Public Dissections, Visceral Cinema and more. Check the out the entire schedule here.
Join Technical Curator, Carla Valentine for an incredible array of events inside a stunning Victorian pathology museum in London. Throughout the upcoming season you can learn how to pot your own heart or explore the Chinese custom of footbinding. See these and so much more on the Barts Pathology Museum event page.
Joanna Ebenstein’s incomparable Morbid Anatomy Museum in Brooklyn should be on every Deathling’s bucket list. In addition to visiting the museum you can catch any number of workshops, field trips, lectures and unique events. Coming up this season you can attend a taxidermy class, a Victorian Hair Art workshop or an illustrated lecture on body horror in Japanese animation, to name just a few. Visit their website for a full listing.
Death: The Human Experience is an art exhibit that explores the human response to death through hundreds of objects and stories from across the world, from ancient times to modern day. Don’t miss the museum’s Death Fair on March 5th – a day of talks, walks, demos and stalls offering a practical guide to dealing with death, dying and bereavement.
Flat Death, a photographic project by Edgar Martins and Jordan Baseman, this exhibition presents two series of work that invite us to reflect on how we deal with death, as a society and individually. In Liverpool through April 3rd.

Medical Oddities Of Alice: Potions, Poisons and Pathology, on March 15th in Philadelphia.
Bone Cleaning Class will provide an introduction to the different methods of preparing bones. The class will take place on March 25th and 26th, in San Francisco.
More Beyond exhibition, curated by Rebecca Reeves opens on April 2nd at the Brick and Mortar Gallery in Philadelphia.
Death As A Part Of Life with BJ Miller, Jon Mooallem and Lucy Kalanithi on April 6th in Los Angeles.
You’re Going to Die Presents THOUGHTS IN PASSING on April 8th in San Francisco and again at Chapel of the Chimes on April 10th.
The Before I Die Festival featuring 25 different events will be held April 15th – 17th in Indianapolis.
Another Alternative: A Family-Directed Home Funeral will be hosted by Bay Area Funeral Consumers Association on April 17th in Palo Alto.
Dying Matters Awareness Week runs from May 9th-15th with events taking place throughout the UK.
Corpses, Cadavers and Catalogues: The Mobilities of Dead Bodies and Body Parts, Past and Present, an interdisciplinary seminar in London, May 17 & 18.
Forget me Not: Planting a Cemetery Garden with Nicole Juday. Learn which plants were favored for grave gardens during the Victorian period on March 17th, in Philadelphia.
Everything Dies! Coloring Book Tour may be coming to a town near you. Written and illustrated by Bri Barton, this death positive coloring book is for everyone and we are BIG fans of it!