When I was in Chicago for the Cultural Center death lecture event earlier this month, I met a young artist named Landis Blair.
He was all: “I like the idea of the Order of the Good Death, I’d like to contribute if I can.”
I was all: “What is it that you do?”
He was all: “Illustration, nothing special… humble humble, etc.”
I was all: “Here’s my email, send me some things, great to meet you.”

So Landis emails me his work the next day and OMG never trust humble people. His stuff is incredible and filled with classy death and Victorian Edward Gorey macabre wonder. He even makes roadkill look high brow. Had I known I would have tackled him to the ground and made him the artist laureate of my personal kingdom (you know, the death one in my head).

“She spent her time holding back traffic as she attempted to help roadkill safely cross the street.”

“By the time he was twenty-seven, Harold had efficiently and frugally managed both of his parents’ funerals.”

Look, he even does off-the-cuff death humor! Swoon.
Visit Landis’s website here where there is much to see and do, including several fantastic ebooks he’s self published.