Do we all remember Jonathan Brandis, from seaQuest and Ladybugs and every Tiger Beat/ Bop Magazine cover of the mid 90’s?
He, of course, hung himself in 2003.
Then there is dear Brittany “no shit you guys got coke here?” Murphy, our beloved Tai from Clueless.

She died in 2009 of pneumonia.
The punchline- our self destructive 90’s favorites went to prom together!

In 1994, Brandis was 18 years old and topped Seventeen magazine’s list of “Sexiest Guys.” Fan mags reported that he was getting 4,000 letters a week and ran photos of him with his characteristic grin, big blue eyes and floppy bleached blond hair. Reporters asked everything. Do you have pets? What position do you sleep in? Bop followed Brandis to his high school prom; his date was Brittany Murphy, who later starred in “Just Married” with Ashton Kutcher. “Don’t worry, no romance between these buds,” the magazine assured swooning readers.
They also both died at Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.
All this comes from research I’m doing for a new video. I won’t tell you exactly what it is, but let’s say it involves Los Angeles, death, and a little thanotourism.