Are we all familiar with the concept of hauls? They’re videos on youtube made by girls who sit in front of their webcams and talk about what they bought at Forever 21 that day. Basically the best thing ever.
Here’s one of my favorites. I dare you not to fall under the siren song of Trishi.
In the spirit of hauls, and to honor all the delightful death gifts sent my way this week, a morbid haul for your Friday.
The first items come from Cameron, who has just moved from Manchester to Brighton in the UK. She reports that Brighton is positively filled with small boutique storefront female run funeral homes. LA has about- oh… ZERO of those.
This first picture she sent is of Arka original funerals, a female run green (!) funeral parlor.
I spy Cameron herself with this season’s HOTTEST in biodegradable wicker caskets.
Her second find about the town is the Caring Lady. Aren’t the aesthetics here lovely? And so to the point.
Stop two on our death haul brings us to Professor Frankel, who magically had two books on Hollywood death sites (one of which is rare) delivered to my apartment.
As soon as I can sucker a LA person into a day long thano-romp about the city I will report back with a blog. Probably with me and said undetermined person awkwardly standing in front of non descript houses. But houses where famous deaths did once occur and thus residually interesting!
In other mail surprises, Theadora sent a wooden bookmark (prophetically sized for “Hollywood Death and Scandal Sites”) as well as a hand copied death poem. Swoon.
Click on here to read the poem she choose, it’s apt.
Finally, Jillian the roommate brought home a new hot beverage cup for the apartment.
Skull hot beverage cup now joins Lil Wayne hot beverage container that I got for my birthday two years ago. We’re a classy place.
Thanks also to everyone who has been sending me links to death items, as well as questions for Ask a Mortician. There will be some good things to come out of this weekend.