Darren Blackburn (of Darren Blackburn Photography) shot me- like with a camera, not a pistol- a few weekends ago for the January issue of Dark Beauty magazine. This gave me an opportunity to dress up fancy and bust out all of the Victorian death tsotchkes that blanket my apartment. It also gave Darren and I a chance to yell “Daarrrrqquueee Beeyyoouuuttyy” over and over in increasingly weird ways throughout the day.
The photos were mostly shot on film, not digital, so we had no idea as we were shooting if they would come out well or not. I’ve never been shot as anything other than like “wwwoooo! It’s me on vaycay! Me at the crematory!” etc. So this is a new thang.
I will post the article from Dark Beauty as well as soon as I have it in my grubby little hands.