Death Salon, September 16-18th, Houston – SOLD OUT
Ghostland discussion Caitlin in conversation with author and Order member Colin Dickey, on October 12th in Los Angeles.
Living the Good Death, hosted by the Springfield-Greene County Library District, October 15th, Springfield, MO.
TED x Vienna, October 22nd in Vienna.
Cleveland Memorial Society Annual Meeting, November 13th, Cleveland.
SciComm Camp, November 18-2oth, Malibu.
TEDMED, November 30th – December 2nd, Palm Springs.

SAVE THE DATE! Undertaking LA morticians Caitlin Doughty and Amber Carvaly will be hosting their first workshop soon! It will be held in Los Angeles. If you are interested in attending please sign up for the Undertaking LA mailing list by following the instructions outlined here. Further details TBA.

Our next Death Salon will take place in Houston on September 16-18th, in partnership with the Aurora Picture Show! This will be our very first Death Salon Film Festival – This event is currently SOLD OUT.
Caitlin Doughty, Dr. Paul Koundounaris, Jae Rhim Lee, Megan Rosenbloom, Sarah Troop and Sarah Wambold will all be appearing at Death Salon, September 16-18th, Houston. SOLD OUT.
Jae Rhim Lee is teaming up with Ace Hotel in New York for Natural Causes, September 8th-30h.
Dr. John Troyer and Carla Valentine will be presenting at Immortal Passion: Necrophilia and the Penetration Paradox on October 9th in London.
Annabel de Vetten and Carla Valentine will be hosting Delicious Decay: digging into baking and decomposition on on October 28 and 29 in London.
Elizabeth Harper and Megan Rosenbloom will be participating in Morbid Anatomy Pop-Up Los Angeles, October 28th-30th, various locations.
Dr. Judy Melinek will be speaking at the Wisconsin Coroners & Medical Examiners’ Association Conference on October 24th in Neenah, WI.
Colin Dickey will be on tour promoting his upcoming book, Ghostland. Check here, for dates and locations.
Sarah Wambold will be on hand to host a lecture by Dr. Paul Koundounaris, Ship Cats: Adventure! Courage! Betrayal! on September 14th in Austin. Dr. Paul will also be in LA on September 29th giving the Great American Cat Lecture as well as on October 27th for a panel discussion on Ghosts, Skeletons and Other Friends and finally, he will be joined by fellow Order member Megan Rosenbloom for a Premier level members only event at The Huntington, Strange Science: An Evening of Oddities on October 28th. Dr. Paul will make one stop along the way in Chicago on October 25th, for a lecture on Ghosts, Seduction & Sicilian Catacombs.
The following institutions are run by members of The Order and offer a full calendar year of death positive events that are open to the public.
The Body Appropriate, located in San Francisco, is run by Order Member Stephanie Stewart-Bailey. The Body Appropriate often features Sound Public Dissections, Visceral Cinema and more. Check the out the entire schedule here.
Join Barts Pathology Museum’s Technical Curator, Carla Valentine for an incredible array of events inside a stunning Victorian pathology museum in London. Taxidermy classes, potting workshops and an array of fascinating lectures await you. Check the official calendar of events here.
Joanna Ebenstein’s incomparable Morbid Anatomy Museum in Brooklyn should be on every Deathling’s bucket list. In addition to visiting the museum you can catch any number of workshops, field trips, lectures and unique events. Visit their website for a full listing.
Securing the Shadow: Posthumous Portraiture in America, an exhibition dedicated to an examination of American self-taught portraiture of the 18th and 19th centuries through the lens of memory and loss. October 2016 – February 2017, NYC.
Sickness, Old Age and Death — A Conversation hosted by the amazing Zen Center in San Francisco on November 2nd.
The Last Tuesday Society always has something fabulous going on. This month features seances, taxidermy classes and plenty of deathy lectures including Death and the Maiden, and a look at the history of witches’ ointments. Ongoing, London.
Death & the Maiden Book Club hosted by death positive website, Death and the Maiden, co-founded by The Order’s own Sarah Troop, D&tM will be launching a book club, led by co-founder Lucy Talbot. October 9th, London.
43rd Annual Dia de Los Muertos Celebration at Self Help Graphics is believed to be the oldest day of the dead commemoration in the U.S. November 2nd, Los Angeles.
Death and Dying Series hosted by the Springfield-Greene County Library is hosting a plethora of death related book clubs, events, death authors and discussion groups on everything from suicide to talking to children about death. Full listing here. Ongoing, Springfield, MO.
re: imagine is a multi-day event series in October taking place throughout San Francisco to facilitate conversation about living and dying through art, experience and design.
London Month of the Dead is making all of our death dreams come true with their outstanding month-long series of events and experiences. October, London.
Mourning Tours at the Heritage Square Museum. Learn all about death and mourning etiquette during the Victorian era, the movement of Spiritualism, and how other cultures celebrate and remember their dead. October 22nd, & 23rd, Los Angeles.
Into the Veil, join Atlas Obscura and Laurel Hill Cemetery for an immersive evening as they explore the liminal world that exists between the land of the living and the realm of the dead. September 10th, Philadelphia
Life. Death. Whatever. hosts weekly events at Sutton House, including Funeral Tuesdays. Ongoing, London.
Kicking the Bucket: A Festival of Living and Dying has a full line-up of events including home funeral workshops, lectures on assisted dying issues, musical and theatrical performances and much more. October and November, various locations near Oxford.