Look what we have here! New Ask a Mortician, Episode 5. Space Corpses, Grease Fires, & Hair Jewelry, oh my!
I had help with this episode from two expert women-folk. The first is author Mary Roach, whose book Stiff is an absolute staple of popular death. I was on NPR in Connecticut a few weeks ago with Ms. Roach (talkin’ about death, obviously) and she was pleasant and informative enough for me to overcome my insecurities and ask for deathxpert help for this video. Spoiler alert: her answer is amazing.

Second expert woman-folk is the obnoxiously talented Ariel Hart, animator and one of my inner sanctum ladyfriends. I have wanted to do some Ask a Mortician animation for awhile now and luckily I happen, by the grace of GAWWDD, to know more artists/musicians/writers/filmmakers than I deserve. See more of her work here and prepare to fall in love.