
Death in the Afternoon

Death in the Afternoon; a podcast about all things mortal from The Order of the Good Death.

Death in the Afternoon is a podcast written, researched, and developed by Caitlin Doughty, Sarah Chavez, and Louise Hung of The Order of the Good Death. You can read reviews of the show here and here.

Season One and Two of the podcast is currently available on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify and many other podcast platforms! You can also find transcripts of all episodes, plus extras and behind the scenes info for each episode on the Blog section of our website.

Podcast Series

Terrible, (Thanks for Asking)  

You know how every day someone asks “how are you?” And even if you’re totally dying inside, you just say “fine,” so everyone can go about their day? This show is the opposite of that. A funny/sad/uncomfortable podcast about talking honestly about our pain, our awkwardness, and our humanness, which is not an actual word.


The Kaddish Podcast

A podcast that focuses on mourning rituals and customs, and holds space at the intersection of life and death. You can expect topics like reproductive loss, illness,  suicide, queer and trans burial, tattoos and conversion status,  and state violence.

Play Dead Podcast

The podcast that talks with game devs on how they’re using death in their games.

In Sickness + In Health 

A podcast about chronic illness, disability, healthcare and mortality.

Death, et seq. 

A podcast about law, and the relationship between the living and the dead, hosted by Founding Order member Tanya Marsh.


Podcast Episodes

Order Of the Good Death & The Death Positive Movement